CBD (cannabidiol), commonly known as the "gateway drug", is very popular with consumers. CBD, once extracted from cannabis plants, is used in several forms including its oil. This article introduces you to CBD oil.
What is CBD oil?
Cannabis (Cannabis sativa), also known as Indian hemp, is a plant classified in the Cannabinaceae family. Several psychoactive molecules are produced from this plant, including THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is known to the general public for its hallucinatory effects. In addition to THC, other cannabinoids are extracted from the plant such as CBD. The oil is extracted from the seeds of the cannabis plant. This oil is very rich in active ingredients and remains low in THC. You can find out more about CBD oil in extra resources. During the production of CBD oil, the cannabidiol crystals extracted from the plant are mixed with other vegetable oils. Terpenes are added to refine the taste. Different methods of extracting the oil are used, the most effective of which is the use of carbon dioxide (CO2). This method produces a very pure and clear oil. The CBD oil after manufacturing can have different concentrations depending on your needs.
What are the benefits of CBD oil?
The therapeutic use of Indian hemp has been common for many years. Many studies have been initiated to identify the properties of CBD oil for human health. Thus, the use of CBD oil helps to fight against anxiety and stress. It also helps to eliminate sleep disorders. It is also recommended in the fight against addiction to THC or tobacco. Its effects against nausea are also proven. CBD oil limits the growth of tumour cells. It is therefore highly recommended for women in the fight against breast cancer. In addition, it protects neurons against Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.